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Getting to the heart of what matters...
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Heartwarming Medium Sessions

- Professional Medium
- In-person and virtual appointments 
- Classes and Group Events

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Connect With Loved Ones 

Your loved ones who have transitioned to the spirit world are always with you. If you find yourself wanting to communicate with them, contact Kathleen Farris, a medium who is equipped to help. As an evidential medium, Kathleen provides evidence during the reading, bringing forth information only your loved one would know, combined with their essence and personality. 

Give Yourself Peace Of Mind

Receiving messages from your loved ones can bring great healing, and release feelings of guilt or sadness connected with their passing. Kathleen will deliver evidence that your loved ones are at peace, which can help you move on and enjoy your life.  Schedule your session today!

Schedule Your Medium Session Today:

  • 30 minute session: $70
  • 60 minute session: $140
  • Group sessions/home parties: email for pricing details
Mystic candles

In-Person & Virtual Sessions Available

(413) 315-3605

(413) 315-3605

"I had an incredibly AMAZING reading with Kathleen. I received such loving information from my deceased father that I so needed to hear."

- Linda, Longmeadow, MA

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